Saturday, September 6, 2008

Soccer Starts

Last year both Madison and Audrey played soccer. Madison really enjoyed the sport. Audrey on the other hand preferred to either hold her coaches hand, run holding a purse, or sit out eating snacks. Needless to say, we didn't sign her up this year. Madison was very excited for soccer this year. Her coach played soccer in college and so far does a really great job teaching these girls how to play the game. During the first practice, the coach asked the girls what they thought their team should be called. Madison's idea of the Comets was chosen. I knew that she had chose Comets because that was the name of the yellow team in the Disney Channel games. September 13th was her first game. Her team lost but she had fun and that's all that matters.

Here she is after the game.

Madison's friend Saige is on her team. They were on the same team last year too.

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