Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday Drew

I can't believe that two years have passed by so quickly. Drew, we are so grateful and happy that you are a part of our family. I honestly cannot imagine life without you. You are always so happy and enjoyable to be around. If ever I am not in a good mood, your smile just melts my heart and I can't help but smile too. You are the best. You are talking so much now. A short list of what you can say: ball, mom, dad, Maddy, Audrey, Nana, Ally, Cole, Dan, Krystal, shoes, shirt, pants, milk, water, no, poppa, outside, slide, swing, Ryan, Nate, car, train...the list goes on and on. You also love to count: one, two, three and then jump into our arms (sometimes when we are not looking). You are so fun to have around. We are so grateful you are part of our family. On your birthday, we took you to Disneyland. Along with Mom, Dad and sisters, your Nana, Aunt Krystal, Ally, and Cole joined us. We also were able to meet up with your cousins, The Rees, from Utah. It was a fun day. I think your favorite ride is the carousel. We look forward to all the fun times we will share with you. We love you!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Happy Birthday, little Drew! What a cute kid!