Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hannah Montana Concert

So for those of you who have girls, you already know the big pop sensation Hannah Montana. Madison and Audrey love her. So I tried to get tickets to the real concert back in November, but the seats were sold out when I got to ticketmaster 15 minutes after they opened. Andrew was shocked by Hannah Montana's popularity and the price some people were charging on the internet ($1300 a seat...yikes) Needless to say we were unable to go to her concert. However, Disney decided to make a movie of her concert and play it for a one week engagement..of course they extended that now...huge money maker. I think I would like to be Hannah Montana..own tv show, clothing line, shoe line, concerts, toys, cds...seriously this 14 year old girl must be loaded. Anyway, we wnt on opening day, Friday, February 1st. There were girls everywhere. The show was in 3D and so here are some pictures of us with our glasses on. The girls had a great time and I secretly did too. I enjoy this teeny bopper stuff.


Tami said...

What a bunch of babes you are! Ha, this type of thing is so foreign to me... looks like fun.

4HandyKids said...

Because I was sick Steve had to take Sidney I he would deny it if asked but I know he secretly liked it too!

Sandra said...

I am so glad you got to see it! They filmed that movie at the concert in SLC so actually you got to see what you missed out on w/ us. :) See it all worked out. :) Oh, and I love her too. I have her songs on my ipod, I rock out as much as the girls. :)

Naomi said...

How fun! What a great way to see the concert. You probably got way better seats that way than if you went to the real thing.

You look as cute as your girls!