Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Monkeying Around

So I have a monkey on my hands. A couple of weeks ago Drew realized that he CAN climb out of his crib. Right before Gavin was born, he did it once or twice, but we let him know he can't do that and he seemed to listen...UNTIL efforts were thwarted. So he was still doing a good job sleeping at night and at nap time, he would just climb out when he was done. However, on Monday he decided since he can get out at the end of his nap, why not do it before he even went to sleep. Well, I was busy cooking dinner and decided to just leave him locked in his room for "quiet time." He was quiet, but very sneaky. This is what his room looked like after "quiet time." UGH!!!

So the very next day, I went and bought a crib tent. I know, I know, why not just put him in a big boy bed. I am just worried about the above situation happening over and over each day. Also, the day without the nap=very cranky child. So I opted for sanity. After I got the crib tent home, it didn't fit on my kind of crib. I was ticked. However, Tami lent me a crib that it would work on. So I was going to have Andrew put that together but he came up with his own plan..see below

I came home from girls night to find that Andrew had put the tent on the bed. It worked okay. However for nap time today, Drew opted for the crib without the tent. I think Andrew needs to set up the other crib so we can use this device as intended. Anyway, we will see how this ends up playing out.


Tami said...

Ha! Love the tent on the bed... The things we do to keep our sanity....

Chantel said...

That's so cool. I wish they had one of those for a 3 year old! :) Bedtime is ALWAYS a negotiation. It makes me tired just thinking about it.

The Dobrons said...

That's hilarious...not the messy room part--my jaw dropped, but the whole tent on the bed! HA! It's like a little mosquito tent! Good luck!!!!

4HandyKids said...

Sad to say but my kids rooms look like that most of the time because I refuse to clean up after them anymore!