For the Valentines Party we first planned to have a "mock" prom but the leaders thought that may exclude the singles in our ward so we ended up with a decades dance party. People dressed up in a fun outfit they choose from the 1940s to the 1980s. It think it turned out really great even though only around thirty people showed up. To bring a romantic flare to this party, we decorated the gym with mood lighting (sparkle lights) and cute cut out hearts. The cut out hearts reminded me of Valentine's Day in Elementary school. I loved how the gym turned out.
Krystal is on the activities committee with me, also another reason I am sad to leave that calling. Anyway, we decided last minute that we would dress up in an outfit from the 1940s. It seemed the easiest since we could use a dress we already had. Then we searched youtube for a video on how to do a 1940s hairstyle. I think it turned out pretty good.
Here is a picture of Andrew and I.
During the party we had a couple from the ward teach us swing dancing. They are amazing dancers. I really wish that I knew how to dance like that. It was so fun to learn some new dance steps.

Then we had awards for best costume, best dessert, grooviest moves, and best picture. We had everyone bring pictures from their high school or college days. The bishop had one of the best pictures. I wished I had taken a picture of it to post but since I didn't you will just have to take my word for it, it was awesome. I did however get some shots of people showing off their grooviest moves.
Here is Bishop and his wife.

My brother Dan.
Derek Harris and Dan having a dance off.
And Carole Ramirez getting in on the action.
We also did a bare leg ID. We pulled 5 guys secretly from the cultural hall and bishop even let Krystal paint his toenails red. What a sport!!! Then we brought them out behind these chalkboards. A sheet was covering them to their knees and then we had the people guess who's feet belonged to who. We matched the names above where the people thought they belonged to. No one guessed the Bishop. I think the nail polish even threw off his wife.
During the party we crowned a Valentine King and Queen. It was a couple in our ward that had been married 66years. They were so cute dancing together.
The party couldn't of been done without our head committee chairman, Kay Harrison. Doesn't she look cute?!?